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Putting in some Saturdays

“You’re so lucky!” “Man, you’re living the dream.” – Two of the most common things I hear from people… and they are right, but that is not all.

Almost all luck and dream living are yielded from hard work. It wasn’t luck that pushed me to stay up way past when the house and neighborhood were asleep with my headphones plugged into a practice amp, practicing scales and chords until my little arm bled, and my fingers were raw.

The best news is BECAUSE it ISN’T luck, this is in you, too. You are capable. You are able. If you have a goal, or a dream, don’t think you’ll never work a day in your life… think you’ll work harder than you could or would in ANY other capacity.

How can I help you today!? DM me, or comment here.

It’s Saturday. The world is breaking for the weekend. Perfect chance to get after it.


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